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The Ideal
Prescription Drug
Intake Data Source for

Clinical Trials



Bridging the Gap

Nearly two-thirds of qualified patients indicate they would consider participation if it was supported by a trusted physician. Additionally, the major barrier to speed and contributor to drug innovation expense is finding and recruiting qualified patients for clinical trials.

knowRX® is uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between these environments by directly informing patients and their physicians about clinical trials, and making HIPAA compliant data available to sponsors about available patient cohorts to aid in their selection of productive clinical trial sites. Patients and their physicians are provided access to approved protocol information and supportive materials to facilitate their decision on participation.

The Ideal
Patient & Physician
Engagement Solution 

knowRX® makes possible more accurate and meaningful physician/patient engagements with the clinical research process to facilitate the efficient clinical evaluation of innovative new medicines to meet patient needs.

The number one reason less than a tenth of qualified patients participate in clinical trials is that neither they nor their physicians are made aware of them.



Sponsors can gain access to data that promote the design of clinical trials with deeper knowledge of the habits and practices of the patients they wish to evaluate. knowRX also establishes a source for experiential data for “real-world evidence” that can further contribute to the availability of drug innovation.


knowRX is also able to align its platform for medication management, patient counseling, and near real-time monitoring of patient performance over the course of the clinical trial to improve patient retention and the quality and precision of collection of evaluable data.