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After the Office Visit
In this age of the 6 minute office visit, knowRX® enhances the patient/provider relationship by creating a space beyond the office visit where the consumer and healthcare provider can communicate and work together on a health management plan that minimizes or eliminates barriers to drug adherence in the context of the patient’s health, economics, and life style.
This includes data-based guidance on selecting the right medicine, the schedule to take them, and counseling on the continued need.
Physician-providers with access to their patients’ knowRX® data can surveil the impact of prescribed medication in their patients in near real-time.
By capturing information on the patient’s habits and practices in consuming medications, the physician-provider has access to performance indicators. As well, the physician-provider has a continual learning platform for managing the patient’s barriers to adherence and use of best practices for the avoidance of non-adherence in the medication plan.
The consumer and healthcare provider can work together on a health management plan that minimizes or eliminates barriers to drug adherence in the context of the patient’s health, economics, and life style.
The Alerts You Need
In the course of patient care, doctors working at institutions are alerted to much information about medications from modern Electronic Health Records. Often the information is nonspecific and can result in information overload and “alert fatigue” leading to many alerts being ignored.
Alerts provided by knowRX® offer the advantage of being specific and personalized and likely more actionable to allow the physician to make decisions that can avoid adverse drug effects and improve the quality of care. Institutions can minimize the distraction and waste of valuable provider time for alerts that can easily be determined to be irrelevant, e.g., pregnancy contraindication alert for the 72-year-old male patient!
Gain Better
Patient Insight
By capturing information on the patient’s habits and practices in consuming medications, the physician-provider has access to performance indicators and a continual learning platform for managing the patient’s barriers to adherence and use of best practices for the avoidance of non-adherence in the medication plan.
By incorporating information on medications prescribed by all of the patient’s healthcare provider sources, knowRX can alert prescribers regarding duplicative drug therapies as well as the accumulation of potential for side effects from multiple drugs.