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The Ideal 
Relationship Tool for

Healthcare Centers


Extend Positive Influence
Beyond Your Doors

knowRX® makes possible the ability of health centers and other healthcare delivery institutions to better extend their positive influence on patient health, disease recovery, and wellness beyond their doors.

Our platform of continued patient-physician engagement, multiple tools that address patient adherence to provider instructions, and support of near real-time monitoring of patient performance can be key to reducing re-admissions, improving institutional ratings and reputation, and supporting more robust reimbursements that enable continual improvements in patient care.



Continued patient-physician engagement, multiple tools that address patient adherence to provider instructions, and support of near real-time monitoring of patient performance can be key to reducing re-admissions


Institutions can minimize the distraction and waste of valuable provider time for alerts that can easily be determined to be irrelevant, e.g., pregnancy contraindication alert for the 72-year-old male patient!

Gain Better
Patient Insight

By capturing information on the patient’s habits and practices in consuming medications, the physician-provider has access to performance indicators and a continual learning platform for managing the patient’s barriers to adherence and use of best practices for the avoidance of non-adherence in the medication plan.

By incorporating information on medications prescribed by all of the patient’s healthcare provider sources, knowRX can alert prescribers regarding duplicative drug therapies as well as the accumulation of potential for side effects from multiple drugs.
